Challenging a parking fine

You may be able to challenge your ticket if you think it’s wrong.

If you lose your ticket, contact the ticket issuer to find out how to challenge.

Challenging a penalty charge notice (PCN)

You have 28 days to challenge a PCN. If you do it within 14 days and your challenge is rejected, you may only have to pay 50% of the fine.

Check the ticket – there are different rules for some types of PCN.

Type of PCNHow you usually challenge it
Local council PCN – received on the spot, for example on your windscreenMake an informal challenge with the council
Local council PCN – received in the post, for example you were sent a ‘notice to owner’Make a formal challenge (called a ‘representation’) with the council
Dart Charge PCNMake a representation with Dart Charge
Red route PCNMake a representation with Transport for London (TfL)
Congestion charge PCNMake a representation with TfL
Low emission zone PCNMake a representation with TfL

You will not have to pay the fine if your informal challenge is accepted.

If your informal challenge is rejected

You’ll get a ‘notice to owner’. It will explain how to pay or make a formal challenge.

Making a formal challenge

You have 28 days to make a formal challenge (called a ‘representation’) after you get a notice to owner. You must:

  • explain your reasons for challenging the PCN in as much detail as possible
  • provide copies of any evidence or documents to support your challenge

You will not have to pay the fine if your representation is accepted.

If your formal challenge is rejected

You’ll get a ‘notice of rejection’ – it will give you 28 days to pay or appeal to an independent tribunal.

If you do not pay or appeal, you’ll have to pay a late penalty (‘charge certificate’).

Challenging a fixed penalty notice (FPN)

You need to go to a magistrates’ court. The back of the ticket will tell you how to do this.

You’ll be sent a summons with a date to attend a court hearing.

Challenging a standard or excess charge notice

Check the ticket or contact the ticket issuer for:

  • ways to challenge
  • what you can do if your challenge is rejected

Challenging a ticket from a private company

Check the ticket to find out who the issuer is. Contact them to find out how to challenge the private parking ticket.

If your challenge is rejected, you can appeal to an independent appeals service. Find out if the ticket operator is a member of an accredited trade association by looking at the ticket or their website.

Appeal to:

  • POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals), if the operator is a member of the British Parking Association (BPA)
  • IAS (Independent Appeals Service), if the operator is a member of the International Parking Community (IPC)