Winter Fuel payment

If you were born before 23 September 1958 you could get either £200 or £300 to help you pay your heating bills for winter 2024 to 2025. This is known as a ‘Winter Fuel Payment’.

You may be eligible if you or your partner get certain benefits. If you are eligible, you’ll normally get the Winter Fuel Payment automatically.

You will not get the extra Pensioner Cost of Living Payment given in 2022 and 2023. It stopped in winter 2023.

If you’re eligible, you’ll get a letter in October or November saying how much you’ll get.

If you do not get a letter but you think you’re eligible, check if you need to make a claim.

Most eligible people are paid in November or December. Find out what to do if you are not paid.

If you are not eligible and you cannot claim Pension Credit:

Consider joining the Priority Services Register (PSR) it is free to join. It helps utility companies, including energy suppliers, electricity, gas and water networks to look after customers who have extra communication, access or safety needs. It helps them to tailor their services to support households who need extra help with everyday energy matters like bills, and also in the unlikely event of a power cut, gas or water supply interruption.

If you’re struggling to pay your energy bill

Contact your energy supplier as soon as you can if you’re worried about paying your bills.

Ofgem’s rules mean they must work with you to agree on a payment plan you can afford.

You can also ask them for:

  • a review of your current payments and debt repayments
  • payment breaks or reductions
  • more time to pay
  • access to hardship funds
  • advice on how to use less energy

You may be able to get other kinds of support, including: