Christmas and New Year Opening Times & help when we are closed

DateOfficesEmail available
18th December 2024Offices closed from 11:00Yes
19th December 2024Offices closedYes
20th December 2024Offices closedNo
23rd  December 2024Offices closedNo
24th  December 2024Offices closedNo
25th December 2024Offices closedNo
26th December 2024Offices closedNo
27th December 2024Offices closedYes
30th December 2024Offices closedYes
31st  December 2024Offices closedNo
1st January 2025Offices closedNo
2nd January 2025Offices open from 09:30 -11:00Yes

**Emails will be answered in the order that they are received, the response time will be between 1 and 4 days depending on demand

Advice whilst we are closed

SubjectAgency websiteAgency Telephone
EmploymentACAS0300 123 1100
Housing & Homelessness

Young people and homelessness

0808 800 4444

24-hour Helpline 0800 567 76 99
ConsumerCitizens Advice Consumer Line03454 04 05 06
Domestic ViolenceIf you are in immediate danger do not hesitate to contact the police.

Domestic Violence helpline (24 hrs)

0808 2000 247
Health complaintsHealthwatch0808 801 0102
Single parents and child arrangements Gingerbread0808 802 0925
Children and young people.

Bullying, abuse. feelings, Friends, relationships, sex
Childline0800 1111
BailiffsHow to deal with bailiffsemail us

You will need to check the agencies website for their opening hours